Walking With God


TEXT: Genesis 5:22-24
Then Enoch walked with God three hundred years after he became the father of Methuselah, and he had other sons and daughters.
So all the days of Enoch were three hundred and sixty-five years.
Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him.

Are you walking with God or Satan.
Ask yourself who is walking with you, is it God or Satan?
The answer is quite plane and obvious. The actions and words you speak tell plainly who you are walking with. What you are always reading, what you are watching, what you keep listening, where you spend most of your time, what you like speaking much tell who you are walking with.
The things you do please the person that you are walking with. The person that you live to please is the one you are walking with. Like in marriage, every woman or man knows what pleases his or her partner, and they will do what pleases his or her partner. In the same manner, we each know what pleases God and what pleases Satan. When you do what pleases God, then you are walking with God, but when you do what pleases Satan (sin and all wicked things) then you are walking with Satan.

The Hebrew verb for “walked” conveys a close relationship with God. This was a special relationship that Enoch had with God just like also his great grandson Noah which the scripture also records the same thing, “Noah walked with God,” Gen. 6:9.
Enoch never just lived but he walked with God. He had a habitual fellowship with God which so pleased God that God never saw anymore reason for Enoch to either to continue living on this planet Earth or die. God just took Enoch to heaven alive. The walk and fellowship that Enoch had with God on Earth so challenged God that God just said, “Enoch I just want you to be with me in heaven. Enoch is one of the two men in the whole Bible that the scripture reports to had not died.
God seeks for people who desire to have a special relationship and fellowship with Him. God sought for Abraham and then spoke to him, “I am Almighty God; walk before me and be blameless.” Genesis 17:1. God is seeking people that He can walk with on earth. Will He find you to walk with Him.
God Is near to you right now there, if you only desire to walk with Him, he is ready to start it right now with you. As long as you draw near to him. James 4:8 says, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you”. Nearness to God is not an issue of location. It is a matter of whether you have a place in your heart for Him.
Giving your heart to God is just simple. In the same way you know how to give your heart to that man or that woman then after you begin to think about him or her every time. And he becomes like your whole world, that is the same way you give your heart to God and He becomes all your world and more than it. If you know how to give your heart to that man or that woman, then you are good to go. It means you know how to give your heart wholly to God. You can do it right now without anymore delay. Just simply says, “ Lord, I desire to walk with you. Please can we start it now. I am here, just come into my heart and we start it now in Jesus name. Amen.
Will you live to have a habitual fellowship with God? Do you desire to walk with God. Do you desire to live a life that pleases God. Enoch lived continually in the presence of God.
Walking with God is to live a life that pleases and honors God. And to live a life pleasing and honoring God, a Christian must walk daily with God. This demands that your motives behind the actions likewise glorify God.

If You are to walk with God, then, WHAT IS WALKING WITH GOD?

Try to figure it or draw this picture or visualize this, If you are walking right now with God side by side;
1. Would you be able to backbite anyone?
2. Would you be able to quarrel with anyone?
3. Would you be able to abuse or fight anyone?
I believe you will have a NO to each of these questions
We come to the realization that we abuse, quarrel, backbite fight and do all kinds of bad things because we are not walking with God.
When you are walking with God, you are very conscious of His presence with You every minute and second, therefore it will determine how you act, how you treat others and how you live your life.

1. WALKING WITH GOD is living a blameless life. Noah was a blameless man, Gen.6:9 and God commanded Abraham to walk before Him blameless Gen. 17:1. Walking with God means you have to live a blameless life.
2. Walking with God is living a righteous life, Gen. 6:9. Righteousness is the state of living and doing right, toward God and toward people. It is an absolute necessity for the Christian lie, since its absence is a sure sign of ungodliness. You have to live a righteous life if you are walking with God.
3. Walking with God is having a special relationship with God. The Hebrew verb conveys this special relationship with God. You must create and build a special and close relationship with God. James 4:8.
4. Walking with God is living a life that pleases and honors God. You must live a life that pleases and honors God, if you are walking with God. In whatever you do, be able to ask yourself this question, “What I do, does it honor and please God?” You need to live a life that honors God in your words and actions towards God and other people.
5. If you are walking with God, you will love to hear Him speak to you through His word, the Bible. You show you are walking with God by reading the Bible and live out your life on the basis of its teachings. Psalm 1:1-3
6. If you are walking with God, He will love to hear you speak to him through your prayer, John 16:24,26. You have to build a daily communication with God through prayer. Walking with God is having a continuous, unbroken, consistent, habitual prayer life
7. Walking with God is living a life of worship, John 4:23-24. Worshipping God with everything within you. Worshipping daily through songs to create the atmosphere of God’s presence. Worship is initiated by the Holy Spirit in your life__ What the scripture says worshipping God in Spirit and in truth
8. Walking with God is living a life of continued hearing and meditating on the Word of God, Isaiah 28:23, 51:1, Psalm 119:15. You must learn to meditate and hear the voice of God.
9. Walking with God is living a holy and pure life. Hebrews 12:14 says without holiness, no one can see God. If you can not see God then who do you see. Obvious, you will see Satan. Holiness is a condition of seeing God, not an option.
10. Walking with God is living a life of entire consecration, where all is for the glory of God, 1 Corinthians 10:31. You have to live an entire life of consecration to God where all you do is for the Glory of God.
11. Walking with God is living a life of dedicated service to God, Jeremiah 15:19. You must live your entire life in dedicated service to God.
12. Walking with God is continuing, living and seeking the presence of God, Deuteronomy 4:29. You must daily live a life that seeks the presence of God through; prayer, worship, reading the Bible.
13. Walking with God is telling others of the close friend that you have, Psalm 22:22,31, 79:13. That is Witnessing of the God that you have known to other people everywhere without shame.
If you are to walk successfully with God, this can help you, it simplifies your walk with God and making it so easy.
1. Always draw this picture or visualize God with you and by your side with you just right there standing in front of you looking at you in a physical form eyeball to eyeball. Then try doing anything bad, after you look at him at the eyeball, will God clap and smile at you? If He doesn’t, then that doesn’t please and honor him. And if you realize that it doesn’t please him, then you don’t do it. That is what it means to walk with God.
2. Visualize God walking with you physically as a fellow human being walking with you;
a. Which kind of music would you be listening?
b. Which books would you be reading?
c. What would you read?
d. Which movies would you watch?
e. Which places would you go for outing and for your leisure? f. Which stories would you listen and tell? g. What would you be telling and speaking?
h. Which drinks would you be taking?
Most people watch pornography, listening to and watch worldly degradating music and videos, and take alcohol because they are not walking with God.
My alcoholic friends will quote for you Scriptures about wine or alcohol as much as they can as if the Bible is a book or manual for alcohol, but none of them in their sober minds can dare go to church for prayers with the bottle of bear, or wine or waragi. Why? They are conscious and know that God is in church and doesn’t want that. And because they are conscious of this, none of the alcoholic friends dares to go to church with any alcohol. If they are thinking as they always defend it to be not wrong or bad, why don’t they go to church with their drinks. They are much aware that God would not be happy with them.
If you get conscious of the presence of God as alcoholics do, but of Him not only just being in the church, but being everywhere, then you would not be doing what you always do in dark places, because you will be knowing this always that God is right there with you watching and seeing everything that you are doing.
I love the religious people, they behave very Good in church because they visualize God directly present in their places of worship. But when they come out, they behave so bad. If they would also come outside in that same behavior that they exhibited and feigned in church, the world would be a very better place to be. If they would come with that picture that they always have and wear while they are in their places of worship, I tell you, there would be pleasure everywhere, and I bet you would never think of death. You know, when the religious hypocrites are in their places of worship, all of them behave as angels. They don’t insult, fight or do any bad stuff, they are kind, oh my goodness! When you enter where they are, you just say, oh yes, this is the place to be__ I pray that that picture will one day remain with them that as they enter their places of worship and when they behave good, that they come out and just remain and continue living like how they lived in their places of worship that time that they acted for 20-40 minutes.
But here is the problem, when they are in churches or places of worship, they visualize God directly present and right there sitting with them, even putting his hands on their shoulders, but when they come out, they visualize that they left God in their churches or places of worship. When they are in their places of worship, you see angels, and when they are outside the worship places, you see imps.
The scene changes, from visualizing God with them in their churches, or places of worship to seeing Satan outside the churches or places of worship, while putting his satanic hands on their shoulders, walking with them, carrying them on his laps while singing lullaby songs for them.

Enoch did what pleased and honored God that he left the legacy as clear as , “Enoch walked with God.” In all his understandings he was conscious of doing what pleased and honored God__ Enoch did what pleased and honored God in His family, ministry, business, in his public life, in his private life, in his politics, in his job, in his school life, in his entertainment and his media and in everything.
May you decide to walk with God like Enoch did from today in Jesus name. I need and now desire to walk so close to God that in the day I die, the record remains that “John Wilson Okurut walked with God.”

John Wilson Okurut

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