Ephesians 1:19 “And [so that you can know and understand] what is the immeasurable and unlimited and surpassing greatness of His power in and for us who believe, as demonstrated in the working of His mighty strength, Amp “. Oh, the English language and all human languages have not developed the vocabulary to be able to describe the extent of this great power that is resident in you and I. That is why English words try combining the words such as in the text above, “immeasurable, unlimited, surpassing, greatness” trying to make us understand the magnitude, the superlative or highest degree of power resident in us. The power on otherwise is beyond the description by any human language under the heavens. Human languages lack the vocabulary to describe the weight of this power which is in us who believe. There is no word that can be able to exhaust the full description.
You just need the Revelation Knowledge on the magnitude (immeasurable and unlimited and surpassing greatness) of the power of God that has been deposited inside of you and how to put that power into use.
Just pause alittle, and make this prayer, “Father, just give me deeper and greater Revelation Knowledge for the deposit of power that is in me and how to operate in it.
Give me Deeper Revelation Knowledge on the miraculous; creative miracles.
Deeper Revelation Knowledge on provision
Deeper Revelation Knowledge on healings
Deeper Revelation Knowledge in the operation in the supernatural.
Deeper Revelation Knowledge of Your power in me. Reveal and Teach me how to harness (put to use) and operate on this deposit. Teach me how to put this deposit to use in the name of Jesus Christ.
God has tremendous power flowing all the time and unless He works and energizes in our lives, we cannot bring it out. That means in order for that power to work on behalf of humanity it must be stirred, activated, energised and vitalised. But how do we stir, activate, energize and vitalise this power?
This is done by daily spending time in the presence of God, During moments of worship, Prayer, reading and meditating upon the Word of God, and setting moments of fasting.

What is the use of this immeasurable, unlimited, surpassing greatness of the power of God which is in you? Is that indescribable power resident in you and I to enable you to just do some small things?
Oh, this power in you and I has; The divine deposit to heal all manner of disease and sickness among people!
The Divine deposit to work creative miracles of all kinds!
The Divine deposit to work all kinds of miracles, signs and wonders!
The divine deposit to bless!
The divine deposit to change any situation is right inside of you. The deposit in you and I can make everything work.
God has already made an investment of supernatural power in you and I although you are still lacking awareness; you are unaware, unconscious of that reality.
The divine consciousness of the power that God has already embedded in your spirit is all that is needed for you to launch into the greater depths of the miraculous and usher a torrential stream flow of signs and wonders.

Peter understood this very well and was much conscious about the deposit of power in him; that was why he told the lame man in Acts 3, “What I have I give to you”. On otherwise, from the deposit of power that is inside of me. What was that he had, “the divine deposit of the miraculous power to heal this lame man, and to do any form of miracle. He knew what he had. He knew he was in possession of spiritual power.
You must know therefore the different aspects of power of God in a believer. There are 7 dimensions or realms of the power of God available for believers in Christ Jesus which must be put to use by each believer. These are; “Exousia, dunamis, Kratos, Ischus, Enegeia, Harpazo, and Episkiazo.” These are the seven dimensions of God’s power that the believer in Christ have over sickness, death and disease.
Without the power of God you can succeed in a lifeless large auditorium using your skills and what your fans want to hear just like the stadiums that collect many fans, but you can not see miracles, and lives changed and transformed. We have seen this in some large auditoriums pastored by motivational speakers. The churches are packed and the preacher speaking day out day in without you registering any single miracle. You can’t find any trace of miracles.
Most people are only knowing of the Exousia and dunamis but have no knowledge of the remaining 5 aspects of power. We need to understand the 7 different aspects of the power of God and how we can tap into each aspect. There are 7 Greek words that describe the aspects of the power of God. The 7 Greek words that describe these 7 aspects are; Exousia, Dunamis, Kratos, Ischus, Energeia, Harpazo, Episkiazō.

  1. Exousia ἐξουσία power is the authority of a believer in
    Christ. It connotes to the power that comes through your position of authority in Christ. It refers to authority, jurisdiction, power of government or judicial decision. It is the legitimate power that comes by virtue of our position of son ship in Christ Jesus.
    As many as received Him, He gave power (Exousia) to become the sons of God. John 1:12.
    Exousia is the power that belongs to you in Christ. It is what you release in His name.
    The word “exousia” is translated as authority, which is a form of delegated power and it is based on your position in God. For example, a policeman has power, but that power is in the form of authority. He can stop a truck because of the uniform and the badge he wears. That is his authority. As a human being, he will not be physically able to stop the truck, but his authority allows him to stop the truck legally. He has power but that power comes in the form of authority. So, that is the illustration of what “exousia” is like.
    Else where Jesus said to his disciples in Luke 10:19 “Behold, I give unto you power (Exousia) to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. The scorpion and serpents represents deadly high ranking demonic forces but Jesus has given us “exousia” over them. Remember Jesus spoke this in response to the report of the disciples when they had gone for Ministry and demons submitted to them in the name of Jesus. This is the account of this, “The seventy returned with joy, saying, Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name! Luke 10:17
    When demons questioned Sons of Sceva in (Acts 19:14) saying, “Jesus I know, Paul I know, but who are you?” they were actually questioning their “exousia”, because it is “exousia” that gives us the right to cast out devils. These men did not have “exousia” to exercise over the demons, that’s why they were thrashed.
    The condition to receive Exousia power is to receive Jesus Christ in your life. Our scripture above says, as many as received Him, he gave the Exousia… So if you have not received Christ, you have no legal access to this power. If you tried exercising the Exousia against demons without having a relationship with Jesus, demons will teach you a lesson that you will never like or forget in life just as they taught the 7 sons of Sceva.
    If therefore you have not received Jesus Christ, why not do it right now. Just receive Jesus right now by saying this prayer wherever you are.

Dear Heavenly Father! I present my life before you today.
I confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and believe in my heart that He died on the cross and was raised from the dead after 3 days, for the remission of my sins. I acknowledge that I’m a sinner and ask you to forgive me for all the sins I have ever committed. Wash me with the precious blood of Jesus Christ and write my name in the Book of life.
I therefore receive eternal life into my spirit right now. I declare that from henceforth, Jesus Christ is my Lord and Saviour and I proclaim His Lordship over every area of my life.
Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for saving my soul. I’m now a child of God, born again, born of the Spirit of the living God.

  1. Dunamis δύναμις refers to the power of the Holy Ghost.
    It connotes to God’s power that comes through the Holy Spirit. It is the miraculous power. It is the power for performing miracles, signs and wonders from God.
    You shall receive power (dunamis) when the Holy Spirit has come upon you. Acts 1:8.
    In other words, you shall receive dunamis when the Holy Ghost has come upon you. Dunamis refers to an inherent power, or the dynamic ability to cause changes. It alludes to a miracle working ability; the ability to make supernatural things happen; the power and ability that’re beyond yourself!
    It denotes what we call a “doing-power,” or “working power” It also means the power of excellence and the extraordinary ability to be efficient and effective in all that you do. This is the life we have in Christ—a life of superproductivity and ever-increasing glory! This power is what you received when the Holy Spirit came to live in you. Therefore, every time the word “dunamis” is used in the New Testament, it refers to the power of the Holy Spirit. Put differently, “dunamis” talks about the ability that God imparts upon a vessel that comes through the Holy Spirit. It is that power or ability that comes from the Holy Ghost which when it rests upon a human vessel, it makes him a “superman”. That is why when the Holy Ghost came upon the disciples in the Upper Room in Acts 2:1, they burst forth into the marketplace, filled with the power and glory of God and impacted the nations.
    Moreover, when the power of God came upon Samson, he grabbed a lion like a slice of bread and tore it apart. That was “dunamis” power at work in his life. This is akin to how David overcame the lion and the bear with his bare hands. How possible is it that a man can tear a wild animal with his bare hands as if he is tearing a piece of cloth? This is only possible when operating under “dunamis” power. Dunamis power is the most explosive, electrifying and destructive power in the universe.
    It is evident on the basis of the scripture that “dunamis” power is related to the Holy Spirit. In other words, there is an intricate connection or relationship between “dunamis” the power of the Holy Spirit and “exousia” the power of the word, hence we need to analyse what happens when they come together.
    Right now, in your life, church or ministry, if you start having the demonstration of the Spirit, there will be people who are curious and those who are hungry for the supernatural coming to your meetings. This is because the supernatural draws the multitudes. But as you draw them, don’t stop there. You need to feed them the Word otherwise they will all be very shallow Christians. That’s where you bring the Word in and teach them until they are established. This is to tell you that “ dunamis ” is not enough; get some “kratos” or Word in you. Be a Word Christian; a word practitioner; the one who exhibits a voracious appetite for the word, then you will have both quality and quantity Christians.
  2. Kratos κράτος is refers to the power that is inherent in the written Word of God.
    Kratos is the power that is locked up in the Word. It comes through the Word of God. It is the dominion power. The word, “Kratos” is translated power, strength, might or dominion in the Word.

The question is: How do you draw and release the power that is inherent in the word?
When you do your devotion and meditation, the power that is released is Kratos. When you mediate on the word of God, it enters your spirit where it mingles with faith and the Holy Spirit, producing an explosive spark in your inner most being. When you speak that word out through your mouth, it enters the realm of the spirit, causing an explosion. This is what will cause the sick to be healed, devils to flee and the dead to arise. This is to show you how powerful and impactful kratos is in the realm of the spirit.

The Kratos power comes through reading, studying, meditating, and confessing the word of God. The amount of power which any believer can have is directly proportional to the amount of “Word” in your spirit. How much of the word of God is resident in your spirit is what determines the degree of power that will flow out of your life.
Unfortunately many seek after power “dunamis” but they don’t have much “Kratos” established in their spirit, hence they don’t make any significant impact in the realm of the spirit. Sadly, many believers speak the Word but their situations and circumstances do not change because the Word is not seasoned in their spirit. The Word only works when it is assimilated into the depths of your spirit.
Kratos is not just God’s word in the pages of the Bible. Instead, it is God’s Word picked from the pages of the Bible infused and mingled with faith in the depths of your spirit such that when you release it, there is a river of power that flows from your spirit.
It was akin to the experience of Peter at the House of Cornelius, whom as he began to speak, the Holy Ghost fell upon all them who heard the word. Where was this power coming from? It was oozing out from God’s word encapsulated in the depths of his spirit. How do I know that? Because the scripture says the Holy Spirit fell upon all those who heard the word. That means the word is what was releasing the kratos power over the masses.
Acts 19:20 So mightily (Kratos) grew the word of God and prevailed.

As long as you are ignorant of the Word of God, you can not be able to tap into the realm of the Kratos power. You must know well your Bible.
There was a man that God himself gave this key, his name is called Joshua. The LORD spoke this to Joshua, read it clearly: “Now after the death of Moses the servant of the LORD it came to pass, that the LORD spake unto Joshua the son of Nun, Moses’ minister, saying… This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.” Joshua 1:1,8
This man meditated faithfully upon the word of God. And on the day he released the kratos power from within him, he was able to control nature.
“Then Joshua spoke and said in the sight of Israel: “Sun, stand still over Gibeon; And Moon, in the Valley of Aijalon.”
So the sun stood still, And the moon stopped, Till the people had revenge Upon their enemies. [Is] this not written in the Book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and did not hasten to go [down] for about a whole day.” Joshua 10:12-13.
This is to show you how powerful the kratos power can be when you engraft, infuse and mingle the Word of God into your spirit through reading, Studying, and meditation upon the Word of God.

Say this prayer: ” Father, open the eyes of my understanding through Revelation Knowledge as I read and study your Word. May You always release the kratos power whenever I read, study and meditate upon your Word. Open my understanding that I may understand the Scriptures (Your Word).
May You always transform and change my life by the power of Your Word every moment I study and meditate on your Word in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen”

“May you manifest the Glory of God everywhere by releasing the kratos power in doing mighty works for God.
May You unlock the power locked in the Word of God and release it into your life.
May you receive the dominion power into your life from the Word of God over situations, circumstances and every force of darkness in Jesus name.

  1. Ischus ἰσχύς is a special authority unique in its sense.
    It is the power that is inherent within a believer. It is the power that comes from within you as a believer. It is the prevailing power. It is the power of God in you, in your spirit which every believer can draw from to change his world.
    Luke 10:27 Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength (ischus).
    Ephesians 1:19 And what [is] the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty (ischus) power
    This speaks of the abiding power or strength to overcome which is resident within a believer. In a related scripture, when John says greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world, he speaks of this power (Ischus) that is inherent within a believer.
    This greatness is the power that is resident within a believer which needs to be taped, activated and triggered to flow. That is why the Bible says out of your belly shall flow rivers of living waters.
    It is evident that all the different powers are related. Just as Kratos is CHRIST in us through the Word, dunamis is the power of the Holy Spirit. So, Ischus is the tangible dunamis that becomes a part of us. It is the ability of God that has become so much in your life. He has become a permanent and integral part of your being. As we move into Ischus more and more, the gifts of the Holy Spirit are imparted to you and you operate in them so much that Ischus and the gifts of the Holy Spirit have become a part of you. At that level, it is very hard to divide Ischus and you anymore.
    It has been absorbed as part of you, infiltrated every fibre of your being such that it is now your second nature Ischus is the in-working of the Spirit in our lives. His graces, His ability that He places in our lives has become a part of us so much so that you cannot differentiate that which is of you and that which is of God.

When “kratos” and “ischus” come together, it produces energy working in you; changing or transforming you. See, we have to change first before we can change the world. And we need the working of “kratos” and “ischus” in us to change and transform us. And the combination of “kratos” and “ischus” is divine energy.

  1. Energies ἐνέργεια. This is power that is released AS DIVINE ENERGY from the realm of the spirit through the air.
    It is usually manifested as the anointing. It is the energising power.
    Ephesians 1:19 And what [is] the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working (Energeia) of his mighty power,

Energia is the power of God that comes directly from the realm of the spirit in the
form of divine energy. It means energy, working and efficiency. In other
words, this power works almost like electricity in the natural realm. The
word energia connotes to the energizing that takes place when those 4 Greek
words are combined in different manners. When ischus and kratos combine
together, we have an energizing that goes deep into us. When exousia and dunamis combine, we have a different type of energy that flows. It is the
energy that flows out through our life to minister to other people.
This ENERGIO is the best explanation for the anointing because
the anointing is the ENERGY OF GOD. This power originates from the
Throne room of God in the Heavens’ Power House and is released to earth every
minute as divine energy. There is tremendous power that God is releasing
from the Heaven’s Power House and such power comes as divine energy.
This was the energizing power that came upon Samson to do great things.
This was the energizing power that energized the stone of David to kill this big giant called Goliath.
This power is always released to energize one to perform special assignments and divine appointments. As long as you are carrying out a divine assignment, this enablement is released to empower you to carry out the task in the form of anointing.

May you receive divine empowerment right now so you can be able to carry out what God has assigned you to do.
May you be energised with power from the throne room of heaven. May you be electrified with power from on high do exploits for God.
May you be mightily energized with great power to carry out that assignment that God has set before you.
I speak the energizing power to fall upon you right now in the name of Jesus Christ.

  1. Harpazo ἁρπάζω This is the power of God in violent action. It is aggressive power.
    It is the power for deliverance. This harpazo power comes with territorial dominion and spiritual warfare.
    Matthew 11:12 And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take (harpazō) it by force.
    There is power released from the Heavens to equip and empower the church for engagement in spiritual warfare activities. It is the power that is released during the battle, hence those who are never involved in spiritual warfare activities never get to partake of this power. That is why ministers who have taken over territories and are operating at a global level seen to be moving in higher realms of harpazo power because they have received harpazo to enable them to take over territories of the world. It is the power to dismantle violently anything that is not of God as we minister His Word of grace. This is highly explosive, inflammable and electrifying power.
    Anybody who moves in this dimension of power becomes dangerous in the spirit world.
  2. Episkiazō Ἐπισκιάζω: is the power that comes through the glory of God.
    This overshadowing comes to shed influence upon you.
    It is the highest concentration of God’s power. It talks about the possible fullness of God’s power displayed or exhibited in a particular locality. It is the power of God’s glory which He administers directly from Heaven. Episkiazō is the power that is manifested when the glory of God invades a territory. The greatest depths of miracles, signs and wonders can be reached in this realm.
    Luke 1:35 And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow (Episkiazō) thee.
    Episkiazō is the most important and highest element in the realm of God’s power. It is a higher realm in God’s power whereby you just become unstoppable and the devil cannot temper with you anymore. During transfiguration in Luke 9:28-34, it says a cloud overshadowed (Episkiazō) them and they feared as they entered a cloud. This represented the full manifestation of God’s power. In Acts 5:12-15, it speaks of the shadow of Peter falling on the sick. That is another manifestation of Episkiazō whereby the power of God was highly concentrated and reflected through a shadow. In Luke 1:28-35, as the angel addressed Mary, he mentioned that the power of the Highest shall overshadow her and she shall be with a son. Episkiazō is a type of power called the power of the Highest which depicts the apex or highest level of concentration of God’s power.

How do you provoke the Episkiazō power to manifest? You must create a Spiritual Atmosphere for the Glory of God to descend.
It is an atmosphere of worship that provokes Episkiazō to Manifest. The ingredients in the atmosphere of glory are continuous prayer, offerings, intercession, praise, worship, obedience, and honor. These ingredients create a spiritual atmosphere of Glory.

Therefore when you come to know the deposit of power in you, when you show up at the hospital to raise multitudes from their sick beds, it’s not whether God wants to heal them or not as some have inadvertently presumed. The question will be whether you have power or not. When you walk into a mortuary and command the dead to rise, it will not be about whether the dead have faith to be raised or not but the question is whether or not you have the power to give birth to a resurrection.

It was that awareness that caused Paul to write to the Roman believers that “I desire to come so that I can impart or give you spiritual gifts,” Romans 1:11. Someone who does not understand this deposit will reason saying, “No one can be able to impart or give spiritual gifts.” The term Paul used here is μεταδίδωμι metadidōmi; to impart, to give. Paul was certain that the deposit (the Holy Spirit) was living in him and was using him to give spiritual gifts. Since you are an ambassador of Heaven, you are the eyes of God, the ears of God, the hands of God and the mouth of God on earth.

You are pregnant with the possibilities of God; adequately equipped, empowered and enriched in every way with every Heavenly blessing which might be needed by the habitants of the earth, hence you are Heavenly qualified to be a solution to every predicament the world is facing.
You therefore need to learn how to draw from the best within you from the the inherent, creative and explosive power resident inside of you.

When you get much aware of this deposit in you, then you will not pray power down, but you will pray power out.
You must understand this, and come in terms with this deposit, if you are to operate and move mightily in the realms of the supernatural.
If you urgently and desperately need anything from God, just activate, energise and stir yourself up and make a withdrawal of power from within the depths of your spirit.
Don’t be crying out and always looking somewhere for power; instead, look inwards because power is resident in you; in the extreme quarters of your spirit. That is where He has made a deposit of an investment of His power, in what Paul penned as, “treasures in earthen vessels”. Don’t be like Moses who cried to heaven, when the solution was right at his hands. The power was right at his stand not in heaven but he was crying for the help to come from heaven. The power you need is right inside of you not in heaven. For the case of Moses, when he kept crying God asked him, what do you have in your hand. And God is asking you what is in you? You have in you “the deposit of divine power.” God was telling Moses, “Stop crying to me! Why are you making all this noise? What is it that is in your hand? Stretch it forth towards the Red sea and your way will open up.”

John Wilson Okurut


You just need a one time experience with God.
Moses had a one time experience with God for his face to be changed. It was just one morning not the whole day. When he came out of this one day experience with God, he had his face glowing with fire. In the forty years that Moses walked with God this happened once and was one of the most outstanding day in his life, Exodus 34.
This was not a daily occurrence, it just happened once in the life of Moses. You Just need a one time experience with God like Moses that will change and revolutionalize your life forever. John Wilson Okurut

Christian Transformation


Christian transformation is the process of getting conformed into the image of Christ. Conformity into the image of Christ is becoming spiritual as Christ was, to walk as Christ walked! To live as Christ lived! To love as Christ loved. To have compassion on people as Christ had compassion on people! To seek the Lost as Christ sought the lost. To bear our suffering patiently as Christ did.
This does not happen by chance, but through intentional discipleship.
Conformity to the image of Christ is a process. That means it needs a discipler to be patient with his disciple (s). It is a gradual process which involves not only sharing the word of God with the disciple, but also sharing physical things, life experiences, life struggles and being open to the disciple.
The Greek word used in this process is metamorphoo_ the term used for the gradual process in the life cycle of a butterfly.
The life cycle of a butterfly when you consider it well is not an overnight growth. It is a process that takes a number of days for the beautiful butterfly to come out.
From an egg to a larva it takes 7-14 days
From a larva to a pupa it takes 10-21 days
From a pupa to an adult butterfly it takes 6-10 days

So for it to complete the whole cycle in order to be transformed, it takes days not an hour. The natural process of growth following the principle of metamorphosis must be obeyed.
When it comes to the Christian growth and change to conformity to Christ, it does not come naturally though it follows almost the same process of metamorphosis. It is not the natural laws of growth, it is the discipler’s law of diligent work on the disciple that brings change in the life of a disciple. Paul says, I travail until Christ is formed in you. Galatians 4:19 My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you,
Paul knew this that it was his responsibility for Christ to be formed in the lives of his disciples. It was dependent on him (Paul), upon his deliberate, and diligent labor and efforts. With the knowledge of this, it is possible for the person to be born again and Christ is not formed in that person if the discipler does not travail for Christ to be formed in that person. Paul was not speaking to none believers, but to people who were already born again_ Compared with an egg stage of our process of metamorphosis.

The first stage of our salvation considering the process of metamorphosis. The butterfly lays an egg and it leaves the process with the natural process of growth to complete the cycle. Compared with the born again experience and Christian maturity: The Holy Spirit birthes us into the kingdom of God_ a term known as being “born again” and then the process of growth He puts it into the hands of the discipler while He (the Holy Spirit) superintends it. But the growth and transformation in most ideal cases is left in the hands of the disciplers. That is why, if the discipler does not do his work diligently, the born again believer’ process of change can be aborted, a believer can even backslide in the same way the butterfly egg can be destroyed and the process of metamorphosis is aborted.

Characteristics of the Believer at the egg stage of spiritual maturity. At this stage of the born again experience and Christian maturity, a believer is numb, and everything is new and he or she appears dormant. They tend to get innocent and the sense of self righteous. They tend to get isolated from others as a sense of separation.
But they should not be left here, they need to be guided to a next level of growth and maturity to a larva stage of the born again experience and Christian maturity.

Stage 2_ The larva stage. Characteristics of the Believer at the Larva stage of spiritual maturity.

The caterpillar is eating to prepare for the next stage in its life cycle, when it will put those calories to use to power a startling transformation.
This is the stage of activity and disturbance of a disciple. Here they tend to be stubborn, unruly, self confident, self dependent and unsettled.
The forgotten bad habits of the old man want to re-appear and take dominion.
Their spiritual curiosity and life wakes up. They come to discover their freedom in Christ which if not controlled can cause spiritual death. They want to discover and try things by themselves. The restrictions of Christian Life (boundaries and fine lines of salvation) begin to seem legalism to them and therefore are not applied to their lives, as they begin to falsely and ignorantly think. They begin doing what is right in their own eyes contrary to biblical principles. At this level they begin to think that they have arrived, and forget that they are just on the second level.
At this stage, the discipler is to do the work of correction, guidance, instruction and modelling if the process of growth is to continue.
It is at this level that some disciplers can some times lose their cool and end up giving up with the disciple. This is the difficult stage of the growth of the disciple. They begin to use so much reason and carnality.
Identity is confused with character flaws as freedom.
If you are a disciple maker, then keep this in mind; “Disciples are not window shopped, or produced by just prayer, but they are made by teaching, being with them, training, giving instructions and corrections to them and praying for them. Jesus never produced the twelve disciples and others by just sitting down and begin praying for them, He made them by spending time with them, by teaching, training, giving instructions and correcting them and praying for them. Disciples are made, that is why Jesus commanded his disciples to go and make disciples. He said, “Go and make disciples.”

Pupa stage. Characteristics of the Believer at the Pupa stage of spiritual maturity.

At this level, a disciple experiences a silent period of testing, modelling, to complete transformation_ a preparation to fly__ manifestation. He or she must learn to endure. They begin to despise sin. They are called out for isolation, training into righteousness. Life cares, worries begin to loose their Dominion. Worldliness begins to loose it’s dominion in the life of the believer. Death to self happens here. There is separation from the world. Conformity to the Word of God begins to take a strong grip in the life of the believer. This is the time for gift and talent identification and discovery. This is preparation for revelation with the image of Christ. It is a preparation for manifestation for the glory of God.

Adult stage. Characteristics of the Believer at the adult stage of spiritual maturity.

When the first steps are complete, the disciple growth spiritually mature_ to a father in faith_ the pater in Greek. They are able to aid others through the same process of spiritual maturity. At this stage, they are able to reproduce others. This is the stage of reproduction. They are able to raise other leaders after their own kind.

Note: It is not the general rule that as long as you are born again, you automatically grow into spiritual maturity to a pater in faith.
Secondly, the process of growth is not determined by the number of specified days, months or years. Because some people can even spend all their born again lives while they remain babes. Some can grow into spiritual maturity after a number of years. And yet others can grow spiritually mature completing our process of metamorphosis within a few months.
The determinants for completing the whole process or cycle of growth is not time but it is these seven determinants for spiritual growth;
1. Spiritual hunger/ yearning
2. Spiritual Curiosity
3. The level of obedience
4. The degree of exposure to the Word of God_ through personal Bible reading, personal Bible study, Scripture meditation and reading good Bible literatures.
5. The heart of Worship
6. The level of teachability
7. The degree of commitment to prayer.

Which stage of spiritual growth are you at. Judge yourself.

John Wilson Okurut
House of Worship & Prayer Assemblies


Bible Teaching is the ability to get the verse from the Bible and write it in the hearts and lives of people so they begin living out their lives in accordance with Bible principles. When that happens you witness the greatest miracle on Earth. The greatest miracle on Earth is not the lame walking, or blind seeing; it is the change of the human heart_ that is called in Christian terminology “Life transformation.” A change of a sinner to a saint.

Pray this prayer:
Elohai, give me the heavenly wisdom, knowledge, understanding, workmanship and ability to get and to write Your Word, the Scriptures into my heart and mind and into the hearts and minds of thousands and thousands for life transformation and conformity into the image of Jesus Christ.

             _John Wilson Okurut_



People can never see Christ today in the physical form, but they can see Jesus in you today. Jesus will not come in the physical form to heal people today, but Jesus will come to heal people today through you and I by using you and I to do it. He empowers us to do the same things which He would have done in the physical himself. When He is doing it through us, he uses you to do it as though Jesus himself has walked physically on earth and doing it physically.

I am continuing to do what Jesus started to do in the mountains and hills of Galilee 2000 years ago. We are not doing anything new, but we are excavating upon those old remains of what Jesus laid when he came to earth. We are excavating upon the teachings, miracles, signs and wonders and great works that Jesus did yesterday. These things must come alive in us today if we are true disciples of Jesus. We must witness what Jesus did yesterday by allowing the risen Christ to do it through you and me today. We are disciples of Jesus. And a disciple is a student, from Latin word discipulus; meaning, a student, pupil, a learner, a disciple. A disciple in the ancient biblical world actively imitated both the life and teaching of the master. It was a deliberate apprenticeship which made the fully formed disciple a living copy of the master or teacher.
Jesus said to this effect, ” Students are to be like their teacher… ” Matthew 10:25 NLT.
Now if we are students of Jesus Christ and yet we are not doing what our teacher did yesterday in Galilee and in all Israel, it then cast serious questions of doubt whether you are really a true disciple of Christ. If you claim to be a disciple of Jesus and yet not believing on the teaching of the solid biblical truth and on the presence of the miraculous, then you are an illegitimate disciple.
Jesus healed yesterday all kind of sickness and disease among people. To be like him, you have to heal all kinds of disease and sickness among the people as one of his true disciples. When Jesus called his people, he gave them power to heal all manner of sickness and all kind of disease, Matthew 10:1,8
[1]Jesus summoned His twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal every kind of disease and every kind of sickness.
[8]Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons. Freely you received, freely give. Luke 9:1 One day Jesus called together his twelve disciples and gave them power and authority to cast out all demons and to heal all diseases. Luke 10:9 And heal the sick there, and say to them, ‘The kingdom of God has come near to you.’ Healing is a command of Jesus to all his legitimate disciples or students.
As if that was not enough He gets them into an extravagant spectrum. Jesus says, ‘You will do what I do, and I am not insecure about anything, I tell you this out of my whole heart, ‘You will do greater things than all these things you have witnessed me do in the presence of many.” John 14:12 “Verily, verily, I say to you, he who is believing in me, the works that I do–that one also shall do, and greater than these he shall do, because I go on to my Father”
This fact of you doing what Jesus did can’t be debated or disputed about. There is no room or allowance for arguments. This is an absolute truth! What it only allows is believing and acting on it.
It only needs to be believed and acted upon and then you will begin to witness tremendous results in your life of being the student of Jesus.
Like Simon Peter, when he saw his teacher walk on water, he said, call me also to walk on it. When Jesus called him to walk on water, Just like the teacher, Peter jumped on the water and never saw water and began to walk on it.

John Wilson Okurut

Walking With God


TEXT: Genesis 5:22-24
Then Enoch walked with God three hundred years after he became the father of Methuselah, and he had other sons and daughters.
So all the days of Enoch were three hundred and sixty-five years.
Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him.

Are you walking with God or Satan.
Ask yourself who is walking with you, is it God or Satan?
The answer is quite plane and obvious. The actions and words you speak tell plainly who you are walking with. What you are always reading, what you are watching, what you keep listening, where you spend most of your time, what you like speaking much tell who you are walking with.
The things you do please the person that you are walking with. The person that you live to please is the one you are walking with. Like in marriage, every woman or man knows what pleases his or her partner, and they will do what pleases his or her partner. In the same manner, we each know what pleases God and what pleases Satan. When you do what pleases God, then you are walking with God, but when you do what pleases Satan (sin and all wicked things) then you are walking with Satan.

The Hebrew verb for “walked” conveys a close relationship with God. This was a special relationship that Enoch had with God just like also his great grandson Noah which the scripture also records the same thing, “Noah walked with God,” Gen. 6:9.
Enoch never just lived but he walked with God. He had a habitual fellowship with God which so pleased God that God never saw anymore reason for Enoch to either to continue living on this planet Earth or die. God just took Enoch to heaven alive. The walk and fellowship that Enoch had with God on Earth so challenged God that God just said, “Enoch I just want you to be with me in heaven. Enoch is one of the two men in the whole Bible that the scripture reports to had not died.
God seeks for people who desire to have a special relationship and fellowship with Him. God sought for Abraham and then spoke to him, “I am Almighty God; walk before me and be blameless.” Genesis 17:1. God is seeking people that He can walk with on earth. Will He find you to walk with Him.
God Is near to you right now there, if you only desire to walk with Him, he is ready to start it right now with you. As long as you draw near to him. James 4:8 says, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you”. Nearness to God is not an issue of location. It is a matter of whether you have a place in your heart for Him.
Giving your heart to God is just simple. In the same way you know how to give your heart to that man or that woman then after you begin to think about him or her every time. And he becomes like your whole world, that is the same way you give your heart to God and He becomes all your world and more than it. If you know how to give your heart to that man or that woman, then you are good to go. It means you know how to give your heart wholly to God. You can do it right now without anymore delay. Just simply says, “ Lord, I desire to walk with you. Please can we start it now. I am here, just come into my heart and we start it now in Jesus name. Amen.
Will you live to have a habitual fellowship with God? Do you desire to walk with God. Do you desire to live a life that pleases God. Enoch lived continually in the presence of God.
Walking with God is to live a life that pleases and honors God. And to live a life pleasing and honoring God, a Christian must walk daily with God. This demands that your motives behind the actions likewise glorify God.

If You are to walk with God, then, WHAT IS WALKING WITH GOD?

Try to figure it or draw this picture or visualize this, If you are walking right now with God side by side;
1. Would you be able to backbite anyone?
2. Would you be able to quarrel with anyone?
3. Would you be able to abuse or fight anyone?
I believe you will have a NO to each of these questions
We come to the realization that we abuse, quarrel, backbite fight and do all kinds of bad things because we are not walking with God.
When you are walking with God, you are very conscious of His presence with You every minute and second, therefore it will determine how you act, how you treat others and how you live your life.

1. WALKING WITH GOD is living a blameless life. Noah was a blameless man, Gen.6:9 and God commanded Abraham to walk before Him blameless Gen. 17:1. Walking with God means you have to live a blameless life.
2. Walking with God is living a righteous life, Gen. 6:9. Righteousness is the state of living and doing right, toward God and toward people. It is an absolute necessity for the Christian lie, since its absence is a sure sign of ungodliness. You have to live a righteous life if you are walking with God.
3. Walking with God is having a special relationship with God. The Hebrew verb conveys this special relationship with God. You must create and build a special and close relationship with God. James 4:8.
4. Walking with God is living a life that pleases and honors God. You must live a life that pleases and honors God, if you are walking with God. In whatever you do, be able to ask yourself this question, “What I do, does it honor and please God?” You need to live a life that honors God in your words and actions towards God and other people.
5. If you are walking with God, you will love to hear Him speak to you through His word, the Bible. You show you are walking with God by reading the Bible and live out your life on the basis of its teachings. Psalm 1:1-3
6. If you are walking with God, He will love to hear you speak to him through your prayer, John 16:24,26. You have to build a daily communication with God through prayer. Walking with God is having a continuous, unbroken, consistent, habitual prayer life
7. Walking with God is living a life of worship, John 4:23-24. Worshipping God with everything within you. Worshipping daily through songs to create the atmosphere of God’s presence. Worship is initiated by the Holy Spirit in your life__ What the scripture says worshipping God in Spirit and in truth
8. Walking with God is living a life of continued hearing and meditating on the Word of God, Isaiah 28:23, 51:1, Psalm 119:15. You must learn to meditate and hear the voice of God.
9. Walking with God is living a holy and pure life. Hebrews 12:14 says without holiness, no one can see God. If you can not see God then who do you see. Obvious, you will see Satan. Holiness is a condition of seeing God, not an option.
10. Walking with God is living a life of entire consecration, where all is for the glory of God, 1 Corinthians 10:31. You have to live an entire life of consecration to God where all you do is for the Glory of God.
11. Walking with God is living a life of dedicated service to God, Jeremiah 15:19. You must live your entire life in dedicated service to God.
12. Walking with God is continuing, living and seeking the presence of God, Deuteronomy 4:29. You must daily live a life that seeks the presence of God through; prayer, worship, reading the Bible.
13. Walking with God is telling others of the close friend that you have, Psalm 22:22,31, 79:13. That is Witnessing of the God that you have known to other people everywhere without shame.
If you are to walk successfully with God, this can help you, it simplifies your walk with God and making it so easy.
1. Always draw this picture or visualize God with you and by your side with you just right there standing in front of you looking at you in a physical form eyeball to eyeball. Then try doing anything bad, after you look at him at the eyeball, will God clap and smile at you? If He doesn’t, then that doesn’t please and honor him. And if you realize that it doesn’t please him, then you don’t do it. That is what it means to walk with God.
2. Visualize God walking with you physically as a fellow human being walking with you;
a. Which kind of music would you be listening?
b. Which books would you be reading?
c. What would you read?
d. Which movies would you watch?
e. Which places would you go for outing and for your leisure? f. Which stories would you listen and tell? g. What would you be telling and speaking?
h. Which drinks would you be taking?
Most people watch pornography, listening to and watch worldly degradating music and videos, and take alcohol because they are not walking with God.
My alcoholic friends will quote for you Scriptures about wine or alcohol as much as they can as if the Bible is a book or manual for alcohol, but none of them in their sober minds can dare go to church for prayers with the bottle of bear, or wine or waragi. Why? They are conscious and know that God is in church and doesn’t want that. And because they are conscious of this, none of the alcoholic friends dares to go to church with any alcohol. If they are thinking as they always defend it to be not wrong or bad, why don’t they go to church with their drinks. They are much aware that God would not be happy with them.
If you get conscious of the presence of God as alcoholics do, but of Him not only just being in the church, but being everywhere, then you would not be doing what you always do in dark places, because you will be knowing this always that God is right there with you watching and seeing everything that you are doing.
I love the religious people, they behave very Good in church because they visualize God directly present in their places of worship. But when they come out, they behave so bad. If they would also come outside in that same behavior that they exhibited and feigned in church, the world would be a very better place to be. If they would come with that picture that they always have and wear while they are in their places of worship, I tell you, there would be pleasure everywhere, and I bet you would never think of death. You know, when the religious hypocrites are in their places of worship, all of them behave as angels. They don’t insult, fight or do any bad stuff, they are kind, oh my goodness! When you enter where they are, you just say, oh yes, this is the place to be__ I pray that that picture will one day remain with them that as they enter their places of worship and when they behave good, that they come out and just remain and continue living like how they lived in their places of worship that time that they acted for 20-40 minutes.
But here is the problem, when they are in churches or places of worship, they visualize God directly present and right there sitting with them, even putting his hands on their shoulders, but when they come out, they visualize that they left God in their churches or places of worship. When they are in their places of worship, you see angels, and when they are outside the worship places, you see imps.
The scene changes, from visualizing God with them in their churches, or places of worship to seeing Satan outside the churches or places of worship, while putting his satanic hands on their shoulders, walking with them, carrying them on his laps while singing lullaby songs for them.

Enoch did what pleased and honored God that he left the legacy as clear as , “Enoch walked with God.” In all his understandings he was conscious of doing what pleased and honored God__ Enoch did what pleased and honored God in His family, ministry, business, in his public life, in his private life, in his politics, in his job, in his school life, in his entertainment and his media and in everything.
May you decide to walk with God like Enoch did from today in Jesus name. I need and now desire to walk so close to God that in the day I die, the record remains that “John Wilson Okurut walked with God.”

John Wilson Okurut



Isaiah 2:2 And it will come about in the last days, that THE MOUNTAIN OF THE LORD WILL BE PLACED ON THE TOP OF THE MOUNTAINS, AND BE LIFTED UP OVER THE HILLS ; and all nations will come to it. BBE

The Mountain of the Lord is the Kingdom of God (the Church). Daniel talks of the Stone that became a great mountain which filled the whole earth as the Kingdom that God would set on earth.

Daniel 2:34-35,44
F34 You continued looking until a stone was cut out without hands, and it struck the statue on its feet of iron and clay and crushed them.
35 Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver and the gold were crushed all at the same time and became like chaff from the summer threshing floors; and the wind carried them away so that not a trace of them was found. But the stone … became a great mountain and filled the whole earth.
44 In the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which will never be destroyed, and that kingdom will not be left for another people; it will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, but it will itself endure forever.

    The Five Kingdoms Described in Daniel 2:31-44.
      1.    The Babylonian Empire
      2.    Medo-Persian Empire
      3.    Greek Empire
      4.    Roman Empire.

It was in the days of these Kings that God set up a Kingdom which shall not be destroyed
5. Kingdom of God or Kingdom of Heaven. V.44
Actually Jesus came to set this Kingdom during the reign of the Roman empire. When it was at it’s great sovereignty. Just as Daniel saw that a stone was cut out of a rock, a small stone and it began to grow until it becomes a great Mountain that filled the whole earth. When Christ, a stone came on the earth, it appeared to the people like he was someone unserious just from nowhere. When he came, his birth was just miraculous. The Kingdom started just by him calling unpopular characters not the highly learned of the time, but those considered ignorant. He called twelve of his apostles and his Kingdom started with this small government of twelve just in the remote village of Nazareth. Then this small Kingdom (a stone cut without human hands ) started to grow, it expanded from this village of Nazareth to Jerusalem, then throughout Judea, Samaria, until now when it is in every Nation (the stone became a great mountain and filled the whole earth ).

Daniel says that this Kingdom will never be destroyed or conquered. Throughout the history of the church, Kings, Emperors, and rulers, have tried in vain to destroy the Kingdom of God (believers in Christ). Burning them, martyrdom and all attempts to destroy them. The true church of Christ will stand for ever (the body of believers in Christ the saints They are undestroyable) v.44. The Kingdom of God started small but has been growing through the whole earth. It has reached every Nation but just started from the small remote village of Nazareth.
When Jesus came to set the Kingdom, he concentrated on the kingdom, in that almost all the Parables Jesus used were to illustrate the Kingdom of God, so we could understand it better. He taught saying the kingdom of God can be compared with…., The Kingdom of heaven is like…
When he called his disciples, he sent them to preach the gospel of the Kingdom of God. Jesus concentrated in the Kingdom message because he had come to set up a Kingdom which will never be destroyed.

Now since churches already have a presence in every nation in the world, we need now to concentrate on influencing the systems (the “mountains”) within these nations. The problem is that Christians are not currently influencing society outside the church. Christians have left the mountains susceptible to the “gates of hell,” which are spiritual portals over the “kings” (influence-shapers) of those mountains. We must understand that we are living in the kingdom, and Daniel says that this Kingdom will fill over all the earth_ that mean it will rule and dominate the whole earth. And there is no Kingdom which is established without Wealth- money, power and authority, principles and values. The problem we have is not understanding the kingdom. The problem with us is that we understand only one part of the kingdom, it being spiritual and not physical. This is where the problem of believers is

These Seven (7) Mountains of Influence are considered to be cultures that mold the way we think, behave and influences our lives on a daily basis, and if we are to make any significant impact and change in the community as a Church, then we must engage these Seven (7) Mountains of societal spheres, and influence them for Christ and His kingdom, by so doing we can bring change and transformation to nations and advance the Kingdom of God on earth.

I was asking a retired elderly man of 74 years, “In Uganda 84.4% is Christianity, but Christianity is not influencing the nation. Why? We have the brood of corrupt people everywhere in government and almost in every sphere of leadership. We claim that Uganda is a Christian Nation but Christianity is not influencing and transforming our nation. We say Uganda is a Christian Nation but we are not transforming the community. Why? It is because we have alienated ourselves from being involved in these 7 spheres that influence society. In the Lord’s prayer, it says, “Your will be done on Earth as it is done in heaven.” Is the will of God done in Uganda or in your nation as it is done in Heaven? In heaven the streets are made out of gold, gold is money. That talks of wealth. Are we experiencing that in our Nation? Definitely not? Why? Because we who are to influence the nation have relegated the mountain (government) that shapes and helps in wealth creation to the wicked greedy hungry vampire leaders who have sucked the wealth of our nation. Is Uganda poor? No? We have gold in every region of the nation, oil, and so many precious metals that make nations wealthy and rich. But we are beggars yet God has endowed our nation with wealth. Why? Because the leaders we have raised have made the nation poor not that the nation is poor.

The strategy for the Church to be able to influence these spheres (7 Mountains) and bring transformation to our society is through the workplace (marketplace), because 90% of our time is spent in these spheres.
The Church can begin to positively influence these spheres and occupy places as the principles of the kingdom are being released when we build and equip the saints to take their positions in the society, and see their workplace as part of their God given assignment. Our part now as a church is to disciple, train and release believers into the seven mountains of influence. Our discipled believers can work in these 7 mountains of influence, that is when we shall see our kingdom filling, subduing and dominating the whole earth. You shouldn’t say that a believer can not work in such and such a non Christian organization.

The problem with us Christians is that we want to put light where there is light, and where there is darkness, we don’t dare put light. Crazy enough, we walk with lighted touches during broad day light under the bright sun, but at the dead of the night with total darkness we don’t use light. This is one of the major reasons why we are not influencing and transforming communities. Remember the more the darkness, the more the light needed. We are called to be the light of the world, (Matthew 5:14-16) to shine in darkness.
It is time for Spiritually sound Christian leaders” to change their mindset as far as this is concern. We have heard people say things like this for instance in the mountain of politics (government), when you join politics you will get corrupt and backslide in your faith because politics is a dirty game. That is the trick the devil has been using for long to prevent the faithful believers from joining politics and causing us to relegate this mountain of influence to the wicked people that Satan has mentored to legalize and make unlawful decisions for our communities. Is politics a dirty game? What is politics? I define Politics as an organized art or science of administering and regulating the community or country (John Wilson Okurut). With the knowledge of this, you can not say that administering the community or country is a dirty game.
Daniel was prominent and one of the top ranking officials in the wicked Babylonian Empire, and he influenced the whole kingdom for God without compromising his values. He probably worked successfully with the 4 Kings; Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar, Darius and Cyrus. And none of these wicked Kings that he worked with, influenced him, but instead he influenced them and he never backslide in his faith.

Daniel stood high in the governmental service of Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar, and Darius the Mede, and perhaps also of Cyrus. He was chief of the wise men, he was governor over the whole province of Babylon under Nebuchadnezzar; that Belshazzar made him the third ruler in his kingdom; and that Darius made him one of the three presidents to whom his hundred and twenty satraps were to give account; and that he even thought to set him over his whole kingdom. In all of these positions he conducted himself with faithfulness and judgment.
The second is Joseph , he worked with Pharaoh, one of the wicked Kings the world has ever known. But he was able to influence and shape the government and the economy of Egypt. He worked with this wicked King but never backslide or got corrupt.
When we disciple, train, equip and empower the saints with the grace in these different mountains of influence, we shall raise the generation of kingdom leaders. And we shall not worry of their being in any place of work. Because we know they have been placed there to influence those mountains not to be influenced by the wicked. The problem is not that believers are influenced negatively by those 7 mountains, but it is because they join those mountains when we as a church have not done our part of influencing them and instilling the Kingdom values and principles in them. When we do our part of Discipling, equipping, training and empowering the saints or believers by instilling and placing the kingdom values in them, they will enter those mountains as “influencers” not as the “influenced.” They get there to influence not to be influenced.

When believers are discipled they can work in any of these 7 mountains, and those non believing employers and employees working with them can be able to smell the fragrance (aroma) of Christ in them. Christians should get involved in the arts (Entertainment, Celebration, Music, Sports etc), business (Economy, Finance), government (politics), media (Communication), education, etc. We need more believers in those areas, not fewer. Each individual Christian is to find the particular “mountain” to which he is called and be a leader in that realm.
Christians are called to be light and salt in the world (Matthew 5:13–14). It’s true that the church should seek to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with all people in every area of society and in that way influence culture. When lives are transformed by the gospel, society will be impacted. When Paul and Silas brought the gospel to Thessalonica, there was an uproar. Evil men, resistant to God’s message, claimed the missionaries had “turned the world upside down” (Acts 17:6, ESV). The overturning of wicked systems and the advancement of God’s truth should be something every believer prays for and works toward.
The message of the gospel must permeate everywhere, and the seven mountain mandate is a strategy that makes sense in the advancement of the Kingdom of God. The people commanding the most influence today—the people at the top of mountains—are, for the most part, ungodly people who do not follow God’s Word. Influence the influencers, and you can change the world. Become an influencer yourself, and you can bring change that much more quickly.

As a church our passion is to disciple, raise and release believers into the 7 societal mountains of influence. These are areas that influence our societies.

  1. We release people into the Mountain of Family. Discipling, raising and releasing Godly parents. The family is the first institution established by God through the covenant of marriage. The order of God’s dealing with creation, and the administration of His purposes in the earth is first with an individual through whom He establishes a family, and that family becomes the corporate body that He uses to impact the nations – the earth realm, to establish His purpose. Family is of important interest to God. His aim is to restore families.
    The devil knows this that is why there has been an intensive attack against the original institution of marriage (Man and woman), and against the family at large. Divorce, gay, lesbianism and all forms of family abuse are all strategies of the enemy to destroy the family.
    The Church must have a clear understanding of this and become involved in the restoration of the values of godly families, so we can empower the saints through an exemplary lifestyle and raising strong families that will boldly influence this mountain of family. Let us model Christ in the family. Our influence in the society is greatly dependent on the influence of the family values that are instilled in us. When men rise to become true fathers, and women rise to become true mothers to protect and establish godly values it will cause us to measure up to something.
  2. We release people into the Mountain of Religion. Discipling, raising and releasing faithful ministers and servants of God. Let us be an example and a true expression of the Body of Christ as we build accurately and influence this mountain of religion, as it has been prophetically spoken that we will be the mountain on top of all mountains.
  3. We release people into the Mountain of Business. Discipling, raising and releasing believers into business running successful businesses. We have a heavenly system that is not of this world, which gives us unreserved access into the supernatural economy of God that prevails above all other economies and systems, and it allows us to live in peace and prosperity. The challenge here is that we don’t know how to access the economy of God, or we are not accessing it to the fullness of God’s potential for us.
    The problem with the Church is that we are not raising faithful stewards, hence the true riches is not entrusted to us. We are found wanting! The children of this world are said to be wiser than the children of light, because they know that we have a system from above which is in a higher order that supersedes theirs, but we have left this higher order and seek to operate with their worldly system which is of no profit to our assignment. We cannot apply the system of this world and expect a supernatural result.

Over the years there have been prophetic declarations of Isaiah 60:1-7, about the transfer of wealth, and the camels which are coming with kings riding upon it with treasures of the earth. As much as this is true, but the reality is that the mountains of business, finance, economy etc will not be influenced by the Church if we only prophesy, pray and then seat down. There has to be a strategic development of the Joseph’s technology and mindset to train, equip and empower the saints with this grace to engage this mountain of business (Finance, Economy). A whole new generation of kingdom leaders and saints must be raised up in the market-place and the economic world that will strategically develop godly principles to influence and occupy this mountain.
Joseph the Jewish lad who was sold as a slave by his brothers was made the governor over the land of Egypt – Genesis 42:6. He controlled the economy of Egypt in the midst of famine and opened the storehouses to the nations, preserved the heritage of God’s people and brought unity among his brothers. In the midst of challenges, he went through the process of development to make his dream become a reality. From his lowest position in the pit and in prison he rose to occupy a seat in the King’s palace in a foreign land. He gained favour with God and with those in authority.
This question stands before us today; where are the Josephs of our day who will administrate and be in command of the economy? This must be a corporate effort of the body, and not just an individual. The Church must learn to work together in unity, and as a team to achieve this goal of ruling in the economic mountain.
It is time to set our hand in business, and the Lord shall bless us in the land to rule on this mountain._

  1. We release people into the Mountain of Government. Discipling, raising and releasing faithful believers into government Offices. The truth remains that the Church must change her perspective regarding politics and government, or we will become irrelevant in today’s world.
    “When the [uncompromisingly] righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when the wicked man rules, the people groan and sigh” (Proverbs 29:2 Amplified Bible).
    The question is, how can the righteous be in authority when they are not involved in politics or government?
    If we cannot train and position the saints in places of influence and governmental authorities then the wicked will continue to rule, and we will be subject to the ridicules of the enemy and unlawful decisions that will be established, even to the detriment of our faith. This is without doubt, as we can see among the nations instituting and legalizing homosexual rights, and how the Church is being forced to compromise their belief in God’s word against this abominable act.
    When Haman stood as an enemy against the Jews and plotted to destroy them, nothing would have been able to avert the destruction that was coming, if Queen Esther had not stood in the King’s inner court to mediate for salvation – Esther 4:10-17. She desecrated the laws of the King’s palace and stepped into the inner court to meet with the King declaring “…if I perish, I perish”. The only reason Esther stood in this position was because she was prepared by Mordecai to take it, even though she was a Jew and it was not her right to do so. Mordecai recognized that she was prepared in her royal position for such a time as this.
    This question stands before us today; have we as a Church prepared our Esther’s who will stand in their place of governmental authorities for times such as this?
  2. We release people into the Mountain of Education. Discipling, raising and releasing believers into the mountain of influence. Education provides us with knowledge about our world. It lays the foundation for a stronger nation, because education is the brain of a nation.
    Education is life, but the question is, what are we being educated in? Drug abuse, gangsters, prostitution, crime, unemployment and most barbaric actions are tied to lack of proper godly education which has shaped the mindset of our generation.
    We cannot deny the fact that education shapes the mind of many generations as it influences their behavior and what they become.
    This therefore makes the mountain of education an important sphere that we must influence to be able to dominate and rule. It begins from the basis – the family!
  3. We release people into the Mountain of Media. Discipling, raising and releasing believers into the mountain of media who know God.
    The Media is the main means of mass communication that reaches a large audience, whether written, broadcast or spoken – (television, radio, newspapers, magazines, internet, movies and advertisements and so forth). It is a significant force that has the capacity to create the cultures that always influences and defines the character of a people geographically. The media is a stronghold that influences and controls the minds of people.
    The works of darkness, illuminati, Baphomet, wickedness, idolatry, heresies, sexual immoralities and abominable acts, such as gay marriages, lesbianism and witchcraft is being widely promoted and accepted as a culture, and even praised and glamorized on movies, television, social medias and so forth.
    Media is air-(waves) and it is a spirit. Air is symbolic of the spirit. Satan is known as the prince of the power of the air (media), the spirit that controls people to make them walk in disobedience. Satan is a ruler and authority of the air – airwaves.
    The media continues to be the platform to promote the dark side of the kingdom of darkness and to keep people captive to the course of this world.
    “While the women went on their way, some of the soldiers guarding the tomb went back to the city and told the chief priests everything that had happened. The chief priests met with the elders and made their plan; they gave a large sum of money to the soldiers and said, “You are to say that his disciples came during the night and stole his body while you were asleep. And if the Governor should hear of this, we will convince him that you are innocent, and you will have nothing to worry about.” The guards took the money and did what they were told to do. And so that is the report spread around by the Jews to this very day” – (Matthew 28:11-15 GNT).
    The chief priests and the religious sects took counsel and gave a large sum of money as bribe to the soldiers, which is sufficient to propagate a false report until this day, to deny the truth about Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior who rose from the dead on the third day, and He is alive.
    Billions of dollars is invested in media to control the air-waves to propagate lies and false reports, because anything that can be on the media will be accepted by the people and be sold to them.
    Does this matter to us as a Church that this mountain of media and communication is also available to us in many ways, and we can influence this mountain of media through a large sum of money if we invest to propagate the gospel of the kingdom of God through the right channels.
    Why do we waste our energy and time fighting against one another on the media and give ourselves to foolishness, when we can utilize that platform and channel our energy for Christ and His kingdom!
  4. We release people into the Mountain of Entertainment. Discipling, raising and releasing our believers to take up this Mountain. To many, Arts – Entertainment, Sports, Music etc has become an idol that has captivated many hearts, and it influences their behavior and attitude towards one another.
    Youths, and adults alike are influenced by the music industry. It plays into the soul, and it can open people to a certain dimension and realm of influence and control in their spirit.
    I believe as a Church we need to explore this mountain and be creative to release a pure Spirit.

When we shift focus from only revelation knowledge acquisition to implementation of revelation knowledge then we can begin to see a transformation in these mountains, and raise creative and empowered dominion citizens who are ruling and influencing their world for Christ.